Chad's New Name

According to, Chad Johnson has legally changed his name to Ocho Cinco.
I was at the game when Chad, or shall I say Ocho Cinco, ran out onto the field displaying his new nickname on the back of his jersey for the whole world to see.
I must admit that it's one of the best and well known nicknames around, but it seems pretty crazy to legally change your name to the spanish version of a jersey number.
But hey, it's Ocho Cinco... the flashy Cincinnati Bengals star that will go as far as he can to get his name out there in the media - entertaining touchdown celebrations, speaking his mind without hesitation, the famous gold "grill" . . . and now a legal name change?
Has he gone too far?
I'm going to go ahead and say "Yes". Mr. Ocho Cinco has taken it a little far in my opinion. Honestly, I see the whole situation as pretty hilarious, but I must say that I admire his confidence. hahaha...
Man.. I'm mad I didn't think of doing that myself. My high school jerseys would have read Dos Cuatro! But seriously, he didn't have to do that. It was uncalled for!
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